
How Does Workplace Management Software Improve Employee Engagement and Satisfaction?

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Executive Summary

Packed with features
Bringing tremendous benefits

The world of work has changed beyond recognition in the last few years.

Employees are increasingly demanding more flexibility and control over their working environment. They also want to be treated fairly and have their needs taken into account at work.

Workplace management software, such as Rendezvous, is an invaluable tool to help employees to take charge of their working day. Thanks to Rendezvous our clients are transforming their workplaces to deliver a great workplace experience.

Let’s explore some of the features and how they benefit your employees.

Packed with features

The Rendezvous workplace management software is feature-rich and designed for today’s hybrid workplace.

Mobile first approach – Rendezvous workplace management software is designed for today’s mobile and agile hybrid workforce who are increasingly on their mobile devices when they are out of the office or working from home. Rendezvous works on all the mobile platforms.

The mobile interface is highly graphical and requires minimal text entry. Finding available meeting rooms and desks can be done in seconds and once a space is found it can be booked quickly. Full integration with Outlook 365 and Exchange ensures that staff are kept fully updated on room and desk bookings, and importantly, any changes.

Floorplan booking – the latest evolution of our workplace management software is floorplan booking. Thanks to intuitive color-coding, employees can quickly see which desks are available on the floorplan and book them with ease.

Find a colleague feature – in today’s uncertain hybrid world it is more important than ever to be able to locate your colleagues. This is especially true when they’re not in the office that often. Thanks to Rendezvous you can now easily locate colleagues and book a desk near them. This is an ideal feature for collaboration.

What’s more this feature helps them to plan their day or week. You can see at a glance when they have the opportunity to get face to face time with their colleagues and book a meeting room accordingly. Alternatively, they can also see when their colleagues are out of the office and book a Teams or Zoom call instead.

Our new employee portal – More than ever hotelling is an important aspect of the workplace which leaders need to get right.

With the employee portal feature, you can mandate when your staff attend the office and which desks they sit at. This feature is great for planning purposes and fostering teamwork while ensuring everyone gets to spend time with senior management for mentoring purposes.

You can plan a week, a month or even a year’s worth of desk bookings for your team. You can have complete control of the desk booking estate while saving a great deal of time in not having to process individual bookings.

Neighborhood booking – this is a key facet of hybrid working. Teams need to feel a sense of belonging when they are in the office and to be in close proximity to the team members who are going to help them. The employee portal makes it easy to create a sense of community with greatly simplified bookings and seating of teams. The employee portal makes it easy to create and manage collaborative hubs.

Touch free booking of desks – thanks to our Rendezvous occupancy sensor solution, staff don’t even need to pre-book a desk. Ideal for companies with a large desk estate, integration with digital signage enables employees to quickly see which desks are available on a highly intuitive color-coded screen.

Once a free desk is located, the employee simply walks up to the desk and sits down. The occupancy sensor will check the employee in. To check out – they simply leave. It could not be simpler! For real estate leaders it offers the opportunity to harvest valuable occupancy and utilization data.

Integration with digital signage – Rendezvous integrates with all the leading digital signage solutions. Employees can see at a glance meeting details on the touchscreen. In addition, employees can book a room on the fly – great for an impromptu meeting.

Video conferencing enabled – Rendezvous is, as we mentioned, designed for the hybrid world. It integrates fully with Webex, Teams and Zoom to deliver a seamless video conferencing experience with full start and endpoint management.

Bringing tremendous benefits

So how does this benefit employees:

Greater engagement – creating greater engagement is important for staff particularly Gen Z who value face to face connections more than any generation in the workplace.

Thanks to Rendezvous, it is easier to create a neighborhood feel to work. Staff can see at a glance when their team-members are in the office

A greater sense of belonging – for Generation Z, in particular, having an assigned space is important to make them feel a sense of belonging at work. Thanks to the employee portal they will get a regular seat near their team members.

Improved productivity – thanks to Outlook integration, employees are always kept up to date on their desk and room bookings with no need to enter data. Any changes and cancellations they are automatically alerted so they are always in control of their schedule.

A better meeting experience – with face-to-face meetings becoming increasingly more important in terms of providing a great employee experience, Rendezvous workplace management software ensures that all your meetings are conducted in a seamless manner.

In addition to ensuring that meetings run on time, Rendezvous enables staff to manage vended services such as catering and AV, for the best possible meeting experience for staff and visitors alike.

Continuous improvement – thanks to the data that is collected on a daily basis, the real estate leadership team gets a wealth of information that can be used to improve the workplace experience.

Rendezvous enables leaders to collect, accurately and in real-time, utilization and occupancy data. With Rendezvous workplace management software, you get all the actionable insights you need to make informed decisions about how you should repurpose or rationalize your space.

Talent retention – with trends like the “Great Resignation” and a general reticence to return to the office, it is vital that employers provide the best possible workplace experience to entice staff to the office and keep them there.

Creating a workplace which values mentorship and collaboration is going to help in the drive to retain talented staff.


The needs of the workforce are changing, and businesses need to adapt to this new cultural shift. Employees are, rightly, expecting

Implementing workplace management software is a great start in terms of saving time on desk and room booking, creating a great neighborhood environment, improving the meeting experience and fostering a culture of belonging and engagement.

We would love to discuss how our workplace management software boosts employee engagement and satisfaction by streamlining processes, improving communication, and fostering a positive work environment.