
Hot desk booking software for your agile workforce

HomeRendezvous agile workplace software for NewGen booking needs
Group 76529

Making agile work for your organization

One of the key drivers in lowering real estate costs is great management of hot desk or hoteling space. Just increasing desk ratios from a 1 to 1 desk allocation to desk sharing, achieves big cost savings.

Good desk sharing supported by Rendezvous agile workplace software is great for agile workers, too, making sure they can find and book a desk on their mobile app before they even make the journey into the office – and they can easily find the colleagues they need to collaborate with using the same agile workplace system.

Discover more about why agile workplace software cuts costs: ROI calculator.

The Rendezvous enhanced employee experience

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What can agile and hybrid working do for your organization?

Companies wanting to attract and retain top talent know they need to offer flexible, hybrid, and agile workspace.

Today’s workers want to feel trusted to get on with their work, and want to choose their own workspace and schedule working with other members of their team. Agile workplace software uses mobile apps, desk sensors and digital signage to deliver improved levels of staff productivity and wellness.

Watch our video to see how Rendezvous agile workplace booking software has made agile and hybrid working easy for international research firm IDC, and boosted idea-sharing among its teams.

Discover how the Rendezvous solution with mobile apps works in practice

Check out the infographics and videos below to find out how easy it is to book a desk using our mobile app or plan even the busiest day in the office using our QuickBook solution.

Discover more about these Rendezvous features

  • Hot desk booking
  • Check-in/out
  • The Open desking model
  • Reverse hoteling
  • Booking a meeting room
  • Utilization data

Hot desk booking – easy as 1,2,3

At NFS, we believe it is critical to make it easy for staff to locate and book space. The Rendezvous Mobile app offers access to important visual information, such as a floorplan layout, to encourage agile working.

The Rendezvous agile workplace booking software offers a highly visual solution to desk booking, including floorplan booking and full integration with desk sensor technology. With social distancing in place, floorplan booking has really come into its own – both as a handy way to book a desk as well providing a visual representation of a safe place to work. What’s more we have built-in cleaning time so your staff can rest assured that they are safe.

We believe in flexibility so we offer a number of different ways for you and your staff to book desks with our desk sharing software. From the native mobile app to QuickBook to our sensor technology, which utilizes an easy to use real-time floorplan, they all have one common aim – to save you time. Our agile workplace solutions are so easy to use and with full integration to Outlook they save your staff time having to remember their bookings – it’s all there ready for them on their calendar.


Key benefits of Rendezvous desk booking:
Reduces no shows

Make sure that your real estate is fully utilized. No shows cost money and cause frustration. Release unoccupied desks automatically so that those staff who really need the desk can get to use it.

Robust and flexible agile workplace booking software platform

Whether you want to use a desktop, a mobile device or Outlook we have a solution for you with full integration to Office 365 and Exchange. Additional vended services can be easily added to a booking.

Comprehensive booking rules and notification possibilities

We have designed the agile workplace booking software solution to fit around your needs. Desks can be auto-released at a time specified by you and time for cleaning of desks can built in to desk bookings. Catering and facilities staff can be notified via Outlook or app.

Sensor technology to deliver accurate real time availability information

See at a glance, and accurately, how many desks are occupied and where there is availability on our easy to understand and highly graphical digital signage.

Integration with a range of booking panels

Get the best return on your hardware investment. Our partnerships with leading panel providers and our flexible API mean that there is a solution built for you with integration to QR readers and RFID check in/out.

For more information click here or watch video



To ensure desks and other workspaces are well utilized, many companies mandate a check-in/out process. NFS support two different approaches, using QR code scanning (a low cost option) which is scanned on arrival and departure, or an RFID based messaging panel (Embrava), which can be used to display name and booking status as well as important information, for example, a desk may be out of service or be blocked for cleaning.

home-mockup checkin-mockup QR-code-mockup success-mockup
Check-in/Out, fully integrated with the booking system, provides many important benefits:
Enables users to quickly determine which desks are free

Users can see at a glance whether a desk is available or in the process of being cleaned or has been blocked out of the desking pool for social distancing reasons

An efficient method for facilities managers to block and release desks

With social distancing still being important for the foreseeable future, the agile workplace management software solution enables facilities managers full control of which desks are blocked and which are free

Automated messaging to service teams to clean desks

For the utmost safety and efficient desk turnaround the cleaning teams are notified immediately once a person has finished at their desk so it can be thoroughly sanitized for the next person

RFID offers one unified access solution to the building

We believe in efficiency. No more having to remember key pad codes or carry multiple cards or use multiple apps – use one card which gets you access to the building and to your desk.

See in action how IDC are using Rendezvous agile booking software to improve space utilization and foster collaboration


The Open desking model, using sensors and digital signage

One of the biggest challenges in desk management is how space is used in practice. Many companies operate a first come first served policy for at least some workspace types, combining presence sensing with digital signage, so staff arrive at the facility and use digital signage to locate a free desk. Rendezvous sensing technology also integrate with Way Finding solutions, enabling staff to easily locate a space in a large floorplan or locate a space near a colleague.

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Utilizing the Rendezvous sensor technology enables you see at a glance not only your current desk and room occupancy using digital signage but also to build up a cumulative picture of space usage over time. Clients using the agile workdesk software benefit from fast user adoption and a wealth of data they can use to make informed decisions about future real estate configuration and acquisitions. Clients using the agile workplace software have reported cost savings running into millions – for example a major professional services firm in London merged their two London offices to realize a £13 million saving using sensor technology data.

The NFS sensor/digital signage solution, fully integrated with the Rendezvous agile workplace management software, offers the following benefits:
High user adoption – easy to use

In fact, it couldn’t be simpler to use – the staff member views the available space on a live availability floor map, selects their space, walks up to the space and settles in. The sensor detects their presence and checks them in and out of the agile workspace.

The powerful MyDesk feature in our QuickBook app now gives you full power over how your desk is allocated. For example, when you are on vacation you can release your desk into desk inventory.

Dynamic dashboards showing real-time availability

As a real estate manager you can easily see on the dashboard how many desks and meeting rooms are occupied as well as staff who can easily spot a free desk or huddle space. As soon as a desk is vacated it becomes available on the screen.

Increased productivity

Typically an agile worker can waste up to thirty minutes a day just looking for a quiet or collaborative space to work. With the sensor technology they can see in seconds what is available even across many floors.

Pinpoint accurate desk utilisation statistics

Real-time and historical data is collected and stored automatically and as it is based on real usage it could not be any more accurate. Dispense with manual surveys and get all the data you need at the touch of a button.

Fast deployment process for immediate ROI

A typical implementation of the sensor technology can be done in a matter of three days from the discreet positioning of the sensors under desks to the setting up of the dashboards – data collection begins from day one of go live.

Drives continuous improvement

Increase desk ratios and reduce desk surpluses. With a wealth of data at your fingertips you can see clearly how the space is being utilized and where there is spare capacity and opportunities for rationalization.

Here is a typical user journey

icon1 A person's presence can be detected and monitored with desk sensors
icon2 Person arrives, selects a desk and is automatically checked in
icon3 Available desks and huddle spaces are clearly shown on digital signage
icon4 Accurate reporting of space utilization

Reverse hoteling

The ability to easily release desk space for a colleague or group to use, when not in the office significantly increases space utilisation. This can now be done efficiently using the Rendezvous Reverse Hoteling Module, an easy to use desk management feature, designed with service businesses in mind.

Here is how this feature works and the key benefits:

The powerful MyDesk feature in our QuickBook app now gives you full power over how your desk is allocated. For example, when you are on vacation you can release your desk into desk inventory.

Benefits include:
Full space utilization

Designed to maximize space utilization and provide complete flexibility, and it’s a proven solution for managing your estate of hot desks.


Our reverse hoteling feature is available in both our intuitive desktop web application and our QuickBook mobile app. The solution is very flexible to configure with options to create booking groups.

Maximize real estate budgets

Get in touch today to find out how we help you get the maximum return on your real estate – we have a full range of solutions for hoteling, space utilization and measurement.

Efficient allocation process even for multiple desks

Using the web app it’s a simple process to make a desk available with an easy drop down to replicate the process across multiple desks.

When space is at a premium it delivers!

The spaces are easily managed through the desktop web application or the mobile app. Its integration with Outlook makes it even better to send booking reminders and cancel notifications.

Booking a meeting room and services

For staff visiting the office to collaborate on projects, resources like meeting rooms and services will need to be booked. This could potentially be a long-winded process and with meeting room space often a much sought-after commodity it pays to get in first.

With Rendezvous agile workplace management software, this can all be done as part of a single booking experience using the self service, mobile ready booking app, QuickBook Factsheet.

QuickBook has been designed specifically for your agile workforce who just want a minimum of fuss in booking a room. This agile workplace software is also ideal for secretaries and personal assistants who need to book a succession of meeting rooms. QuickBook takes what used to be a 30-minute process and reduces it to a five minute one – ideal for workers on the move and a great time saver for the admin team.

With its seamless integration to Outlook all attendees are instantly aware of the agile room booking via email and catering and facilities teams get email confirmation of the vended services required. Set up and break down times are also built in as standard ensuring a professionally run meeting. Any cancellations are also notified by email – minimizing food waste as well as keeping attendees in the loop.

See the booking workflow below


Why use QuickBook? Here are the main reasons:
Same great user experience on multiple platforms

We believe in flexibility so no compromise in functionality whether you use a phone, a tablet or a desktop. You get to enjoy all the same great features – the choice of device is up to you.

Tight integration with Outlook

It’s still the number one office productivity suite. QuickBook saves time – all bookings made in Rendezvous go straight in the attendees’ Outlook calendar. Any changes to the meeting are updated in the calendar and emailed to attendees

Book catering and AV in one effortless process

Simply add any catering requests or equipment requirements easily with a few swipes on the touchscreen. Requests are emailed straight through to the relevant teams. If you operate a chargeback system then vended services are immediately posted to the correct cost centre.

Easy to deploy – all done online

In this day and age no one wants the inconvenience of installing software on a device by device basis – particularly if you have an agile team who rarely visit the office. A few clicks and the team are good to go.

Utilization data /analytics

One of key drivers for better utilization and space planning is having access to real time data on how and where space is used. With Rendezvous desk booking, you have all the information you need to make important decisions on desk management, ideal if you need to review desk ratios, better understand why space is booked and not used or simply to fully understand the profile of utilization at different times of the day to inform future booking policies and drive continuous improvement.

Rendezvous Dashboards provide real time information on a range of occupancy metrics, as well as important information on most and least used workspaces. Our Analytics dashboards, with live and historical desk utilization information on desks, using Rendezvous sensor technology, deliver invaluable operational and future planning information.


The NFS presence sensing technology provides real time and historical information on how space is used, in a highly granular format, helping the FM to make critical decisions like, what areas of the floor to use and how space can be reconfigured.


Today, meeting room occupancy at the people count level is having a significant impact on actual space utilisation and real estate costs. This graphical information, can be used to inform critical decisions; how many large rooms are needed, which rooms can be removed from service, what costs can be saved by reducing room servicing?

How can agile working impact real estate costs?

One of the key drivers towards lowering real estate costs is the effective management of hot desk or hoteling space. For example, by just increasing desk ratios from a 1 to 1 desk allocation policy to desk sharing, significant cost savings can be achieved.

Don’t just take our word for it. Check out our ROI calculator to see how Rendezvous could offer tangible real estate savings for you.
Without a robust agile working software solution, it is almost impossible to judge how well, or not, your desk space is being utilized. Rendezvous agile workplace software takes away the guesswork as you can see clearly when the desks are being used and with our real-time sensor technology you can pin-point exactly from end to end exactly which desks are being occupied. Armed with this information from the agile working booking solution you can begin to make informed and data-driven decisions with regards to the agile workplace. You can see at a glance how space is being utilized both in real-time and build up a historical picture of desk usage.

Once our clients begin to use Rendezvous they begin to enjoy an immediate ROI. Where they once anecdotally believed they had, for example, 50% desk occupancy they may be surprised to find that they have only 40% desk occupancy. By taking the necessary corrective action and increasing their space utilization by only 10% they may find themselves saving tens of thousands of dollars per year with agile working across their workplace.

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    What our
    customers say


    ”The Rendezvous room booking system has contributed to the journey the Trust has started in moving forward to a more agile working environment. Now that the Trust has started the agile working journey, it will look to consolidate and improve space utilisation while at the same time improving the working environment.”


    Terry Murphy

    Assistant Director of Property

    Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust


    ”This new technology has increased our productivity at DLA Piper. NFS Rendezvous software is simple to use — once we got it set up it was easy to book meetings.”


    Kevin Wertlieb

    Senior Unified Communications Engineer

    DLA Piper


    ”Rendezvous was the application of choice for room booking having been successfully used in the US for years. Since the initial global implementation, our scope has expanded and we’ve continued working with NFS to modernise a new building with panel technology and implement hot-desking. The commitment, flexibility and expertise of our consultant has allowed for seamless transitions and I look forward to seeing where this technology takes us in the future.”


    Sharyn El Amir

    Senior IS Project Manager

    Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner


      Check out the ROI calculator

      Check out the ROI calculator

    • step 1
    • Final step

    Many organizations believe that their space is being 80% utilized when in reality they are often only using 40% of their space effectively. Thanks to its increased efficiency and reduction of no shows, within a few months of using Rendezvous, our clients easily increase their utilization to 50% with many reporting 70% or more. An investment in Rendezvous easily pays for itself within the first year.

    See the table below to see how much you can save:

    With corporate real estate costs increasing every year, it is no longer feasible for every worker to have their own hot desk particularly with an ever increasing agile workforce. Organizations are now looking to increase desk sharing and reduce costs. Thanks to Rendezvous you can significantly increase your desk ratios and keep the costs down.

    The table below demonstrates how you, and your bottom line, can benefit:

    Don’t just take our word for it. Check out this case study about a major global utility to see how they achieved improved space utilization and savings of over $100,000 within three months of deploying the Rendezvous software.

    Agile Workplace Software  Group 79513

    Discover more about these Rendezvous features

    Rendezvous provides the technological support that underpins a robust agile and hybrid working strategy, using these features:

    Let us help you – download the white paper today to get a checklist of items you need to embark on this journey.


    Group 80300

    Hot desk booking

    Group 79086

    Check in/out

    Group 78994

    Open desking

    Group 79158

    Reverse hoteling

    Meeting scheduling

    Book a meeting room

    Group 79061

    Utilization data

    Ready to get started?

    Talk to an expert today and one of our representatives will contact you shortly.