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What is desk sharing?

HomeFAQWhat is desk sharing?

Shared Desks Explained: Understanding the Concept of Desk Sharing

Desk sharing offers staff the opportunity to choose which desk that they want to work at. It is the opposite of the traditional desk model where everyone has a desk for life.

With hybrid working coming to the fore, this model is wasteful and inappropriate for the modern day.

In addition to saving on real estate costs, desk sharing office staff the freedom to sit in the office where they want whether that is in a quiet space or amongst their team members or even amongst other to amongst members of other teams. Some of our clients have found that this cross functional working has produced dividends- watch the IDC case study video to see how.

Technology such as the Rendezvous desk booking software enables employers to offer desk sharing as an option and creates a wonderful and easy to use employee digital experience.

What does the technology offer?

Based around a mobile first approach it offers the staff and easy to use solution to booking desks. Thanks to our floor plan that functionality this has become even easier with easy colour coding to identify free desks which can then be booked with a few taps of the touch screen.

Find colleague features based around the floor plan make it simple the staff to locate their colleagues and book a desk near them.

real estate leaders the solution offers greater and improved space utilisation. With built in business rules it is easy to mitigate against ghost bookings and no shows- the solution will auto release desks if they are not occupied when they are supposed to be so they can be used by other people who need them.

A touch free check in and out process – staff have a choice of desk panels, RFID cards, QR codes or in-app to check in or out of desks. The system can also be programmed to allow time for cleaning between use – the desk panel indicates that the desk is being cleaned.

Find out more

Watch our hybrid working video for actionable strategies and ideas to make your desk sharing a success.


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