
Can being people-centric and holistic give your organization ROI?

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Executive Summary

Technology as an enabler
Real-life examples from NFS Technology workspace management clients

Workplace leaders have been moving towards more empathic management methods in the last few years, recognising the need to support human needs such as friendship, recognition and encouragement.

In part, it’s a response to the new emphasis on good mental health, and also partly a response to the increased levels of anxiety that many people have shown since the pandemic.

But there are also very good business reasons for supporting the wellbeing of employees in very direct ways. Happy workers do their jobs well and with enthusiasm, and are less likely to seek a new job, so talent retention soars.

Technology as an enabler

The most forward-thinking workplace leaders are using technology such as meeting room management systems and hot desking software to empower employees and create a sense of individual autonomy.

For instance, using a mobile app to book a desk or room for the day takes the strain out of going into the office. Project leaders can also use the same tools to book space easily for their team to work together, ensuring great conditions for collaboration.

Most leadership teams have now more than made space for HR experts on the board. Transforming any workplace requires a major cross-discipline effort, but all the evidence shows that creating a people-centric hybrid workplace pays off in terms of:

  • Reduced talent loss
  • Quicker recruitment
  • Good employee engagement
  • Better collaboration and creativity
  • Operational effectiveness

And – a very direct ROI – in increased revenue. Analysts agree:

  • “Almost two-fifths (38%) of organisations say that more home/hybrid working has increased their organisation’s productivity/efficiency. Just 13% say it has decreased their organisation’s productivity/efficiency. This shows an increase in the net satisfaction score (2023: +25; 2021: +23; 2020: +10).” – CIPD Flexible and hybrid working practices in 2023.
  • “By 2027, organizations that promote workforce digital dexterity will have stronger revenue year over year.” – Change Today to Change Tomorrow, Gartner.

So how does it work in practice? These following examples from major organizations who are clients of NFS Technology provide good insight.

Real-life examples from NFS Technology workspace management clients

When NHS Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust opened up a new office for admin staff during the pandemic, it implemented a hot desking strategy supported by workplace management technology.

Thanks to Rendezvous Workspace technology, hundreds of agile staff now ensure an efficient working day by booking their desk and meeting space before they come into the office.

 “The deployment went extremely smoothly, and the system is providing exactly what we needed. It has helped us to enhance our working environment and create the right conditions where our agile staff can work productively and collaborate together with great efficiency.” – Akif Rawn, Deputy Director of IT

Epping Forest District Council serves over 130,000 local people, and makes both room and hot desk booking effortless in council buildings with Rendezvous.

“Rendezvous has enabled us to bring the booking and management of space into a single platform. We were previously using Outlook and other tools to do this with mixed  results and no real management information.” – David Balding, Head of Facilities

Discover more about the ROI of people centric workplace management in our new NFS guide: Why your employee is now your consumer – and what you should do about it.