
A new approach to control employee resistance in the hybrid workplace

HomeResourcesBlogA new approach to control employee resistance in the hybrid workplace
hybrid workplace

Executive summary

Why are employees reluctant to embrace a hybrid workplace structure?
Robust communication drives an efficient hybrid workplace system
Are there any patterns that are causing this reluctance?
Using the right workplace technology
Why Rendezvous?

Change is not always welcomed with open arms. While it’s easy to compare what you can lose to what you can gain, how someone adjusts to a change is always subjective. Companies realize the importance of each team member bringing something unique to the table. What can companies do to overcome resistance from employees? How do employees engage and feel enthusiastic about their workplace? The management must take small steps to slowly see the changes come to fruition.

With hybrid workplaces and work-from-home initiatives, innovative organizations see the benefits of flexibility and transparency. However, there lies yet another pressing question, how do you manage a hybrid workplace culture? With several companies’ embracing a hybrid future, workplace management software drives this journey. Let’s understand why and where the employee resistance is coming from.

Why are employees reluctant to embrace a hybrid workplace structure?

Employee behavior speaks a lot about the changes they go through on a personal or a professional level and how they adjust to the new norm in your company structure. It’s critical to understand the extent to which the change affects employees and how management can come up with solutions and address the switch. The organization’s outlook is often an extension of employee behavior. From awareness of the organizational changes to being overwhelmed by their role in the new system, everyone has a small battle they are fighting.

With minor tweaks to their daily schedule, you can go one step after the other to talk about what fears they’re facing and ways to overcome them together as a team. Instead of going from bottom to top, adopting the new system can start from the top management and go down one level after another. This approach allows the leaders to recognize what works for their working style and their team’s needs to bring the best out of them.

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Robust communication drives an efficient hybrid workplace system

Communication is key to making change work. Hard-handling your employees into a change, they’re not suited for doesn’t solve the problem and instead creates a few more. One of the critical components of a thriving workplace is a good feedback loop, a feedback session between the management and the people affected by this switch, which can help identify areas of concern.

Leaders, being aware of the problems that pop up, put effort into understanding their team better, note who needs training, and acknowledge challenges. These are small gestures that go a long way. Transparency and open communication are just as transformational as innovation and integration, like workplace management software in the new world. Embrace it.

Are there any patterns that are causing this reluctance?

Formulating and analyzing data is vital to finding where most problems arise. Whether it is particular teams facing the issues or individuals not adjusted to the new system, there can be many contributing factors to how a change gets pushback. A hybrid workplace is one where the employee need not work every day from an office setting, and this might not sit well with everyone and individual concerns regarding the transition need to be duly addressed. Adopting workplace management software helps address these issues.

Using the right workplace technology

Technology is integral in driving a company’s progress, especially regarding the direction and pace with which a change can be gamified and made accessible to integrate instead of overwhelming and overcomplicating a simple process. With products and software being developed to solve particular problems and issues, a technology-driven approach is the best way to find the solution. A customizable tech solution like workplace management software will bridge the gap between the management and the employee far better than a tech solution that cannot adapt accordingly.

Why Rendezvous?

Rendezvous workplace management software provides a great employee user experience while being highly customizable. Managing hot desk allocation and space utilization is highly automated. Outlook integration makes Rendezvous stand out because any physical meeting scheduled with you will appear as a reminder on your Outlook calendar.

With no-contact tools like QR Code-operated entry and digital signage when using the workplace, using Rendezvous has quality-of-life features so that you don’t miss an appointment at your office.